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Cara drops bag of 'mysterious white powder'....the photo that appeared in the Sun.....

Finally saw the picture of Cara Dela-I really hate trying to spell her surname -vigne dropping the 'mysterious white powder' which appeared on the front of the Sun this week.

There haven't been any updates but apparently H&M may be dropping her as a spokesperson for their brand.

Oh but just incase, the Sun also posted a list of things it could be....

1) Artifical sweetener for her cuppa so she doesn't pile on weight
2) Little bit of Persil in for washing her undies in an emergency
3) Talcum powder to help squeeze into extra-tight fashion gear
4) Self-raising flour in case she fancies a tiny bit of baking
5) Leftover remnants of her secret sherbert Dib-Dab habit

Actually, I know the Sun is a massive heap of shit but one thing about the article really bothered me. They mentioned that Cara went to her agency for help. Fair enough, but this is how they stated it :

'After failing to find the keys, bisexual Cara went to her model agency Storm for help. She later returned with two men in suits who let her into her house.'

Why does the fact she is bisexual have ANYTHING to do with this? Why make it a thing...why mention it at all?!?! She lost her keys and dropped some blow on the floor. This is not a thing that happened because she is bi! I am so sick of newspapers dropping this 'sexy fact' into a story just to jazz it up. If she is bi then fair enough but there is no need to keep mentioning it!

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