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I MATTER: 5 Steps to a New Hairstyle (Plus Thursday Blog Hop!)

Meet vibrant, fiery, Panamanian Esther!  She is one busy 42-year-old small business owner…and she knows she must carry the I MATTER sign daily to accomplish all on her plate.  As I said, Esther runs a small business, cares for her husband with cancer, and visits her large family in Panama at least twice a year and so often helps family members with needs.  On top of that, she has arthritis. So, you can find her daily either in cycling class, Zumba, weight training or, at other times on the Salsa dance floor.  She drinks lots of water, eats small portions, and always looks her very best!  There are many people relying on her, so she must put herself first in order to keep that gorgeous smile and serve the ones she loves.

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit and think about it. Go out and get busy.”  - Dale Carnegie

When we decide to go through a personal makeover, start-over, reinvention…whatever you desire to call it…I believe it helps so much to do at least one big change right away.  By doing something noticeable, we make a statement that things are new.  I wanted something that sang, “I’ve got a new attitude!”  I am important…unique…created for a purpose…not a mistake…and I am back!!

For me, the step of courage was my hair.  It is kind of amazing the attachments women have with their hair. So, many of us are slow to make major changes because somehow we fear it will change who we are.   Most of my life, I had long hair…thick, natural curly, long hair.  I was born with a light brown/tinted auburn natural color…but in Texas, blonde is big.  So, beginning in college until I was 50, I did everything possible to be blonde! I loved my long hair.  When fixed, it was beautiful…but that took a lot of time out of busy days to do.  As a working mom, I began to pull it back into a ponytail every single day.

My advice for making changes with your hair follows 5 steps:

     Decide what YOU want.  Family and friends always have opinions on how we should wear our hair.  You must first listen to you.  My husband wanted the long, blonde hair to stay. I had a dilemma. 

     Consult a stylist you trust.  Listen to their advice…look at pictures…decide what messages you want to send with your overall style.  What makes you smile?

    Consider your lifestyle and how much time and money you have to invest in your hair.  After I began a daily workout schedule, I decided to have my hair thinned a bit, so it did not require so much time to fix every day.

     Select a style you can look great in daily.  Our self-esteem dims when we tie it back, pin it up, pull it tight and hide it day after day because there is just no time.

     Have courage to step out of your comfort zone…that might even mean you go completely gray or shorter…but you might discover a new confidence you did not know existed within.

    Remember, hair grows.  If you do not like your first change…you can change again…don’t panic or get down.  Work with a stylist you trust.  I firmly believe you should always budget in your hair appointments…they are that important.  

I decided to listen to my stylist and I made a radical change! (My husband survived, by the way)  I went

Darker, closer to my original color


Added Bangs


Straight…at age fifty, I began to flat iron my hair.  The advice of most people around me was to let my natural curl go and to get a style which worked with it naturally…not feeling it…I wanted it straight…that makes me smile.

I will never forget when she turned me around to look in the mirror.  For the first time, in a long time, I was looking at me.  This felt so right and gave me more confidence than I ever could have imagined.  The color made my hazel eyes POP …it was as if I saw them for the first time.  Yes, I am gray underneath…but will joyfully live with this look for a few years…it is me!

Make sure your hair gives you confidence…if not…then that’s where you should begin. If you love your hair, then what is another way you can signal a new improved you and make a statement of courage.  I will see you next week… please, encourage other women to pick up their I MATTER signs and join us on Thursdays!

Do you need to review I MATTER POSTS...here they are:




Also, look for Tweets@over50feeling40, #IMATTER!

Now, please go join the fun bloggers of Katie’s Favorite Things Blog Hop!


It’s time to hop! Party and link up! The Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop is where you can link your favorite post of the week or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. The hop is hosted and posted on 4 different blogs! Your link will appear on the blogs of Katherines Corner,  Over 50 Feeling 40Vintage Mama and The Tablescaper.  Four times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends and to share your wonderful blog and discover others too.    


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