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im it!.....blog spot

I've been tagged a couple of days ago but haven't been able to do it straight away because of a few stuff that i had to do...

Lovely Adin tagged me to do the 'blog spots'...

I always use my desktop since im online almost 16hrs a day...can't do that with a laptop,right?
Top of my table is crowded with toiletries & thingamajigs..so very messy... XD

  1. Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog.
  2. Feel free to tell us a little about your space, or explain certain items in more detail. Or not.
  3. Link back to Daddy Likey's original post.
  4. Tag five other bloggers to show their blogspots.
If you are tagged and do not participate, you will become allergic to cabbage.

-can't have me being allergic to cabbage..i love cabbage! a hearty serving of kimchi please~

What are you wearing right now?
-A striped navy house dress!

What's the last thing you read/are currently reading?
-Just one night by Miranda Lee (im a die hard romantic novel fan!)

Do you nap a lot?
-not that much...if i feel sleepy,i sleep...

Who was the last person you hugged?

What's your current obsession/addiction?

What's for dinner?
-Pork Binagoongan (a filipino dish)

What was the last thing you bought?
-i brought a couple of stuff at my favorite Ebayer..mascaras & lippies!
have to wait for it to be shipped!

What are you listening to right now?
-Only Human by K

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
-to fly!

What is your favorite weather, and why?
-i love cool weather!

What time do you usually get up?
-9-ish in the morning

What is your most challenging goal right now?
-to get a good job that would meet with my current schedule

Say something to the person who tagged you:
-Adin...a very lovely lady that shares her views & opinions to the blog world so to help us out!

If you could have a house- totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
-somewhere in palawan...still here in the philippines...
there's no place like home,right?

Favorite vacation spot?
-Subic Bay Area

What is your favorite item of clothing?
-a tight hugging dress

Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others?
-i just wear sandals...
i hate high heels...
i love my Charcoal sandals..they're cheap but really sturdy!

Name one thing you cannot live without:

What time is bed time?

If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow morning, where would it be?
-in the arms of bf.... XD

Now its tagging time!
I tag:

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