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Top 100 Weight Loss Blogs You Need To Know About

Looking to shed some pounds? We won’t lie – there’s never an easy way to do this. However, it helps when you can turn to the advice of people who have already been there and done it.

The problem with wanting to lose weight is that we can feel helpless. Especially if a person is morbidly obese, the world can seem like a very scary, alien place. You feel as though no one  else is like you, no one can relate, and that achieving your weight loss goals is impossible. It’s like there’s no light at the end of a very long tunnel.

This is where blogs help. We’ve looked around the internet and found bloggers who have some seriously inspirational stories to share. Some were morbidly obese for years but managed to lose hundreds of pounds. Others have beaten depression, others have juggled losing weight with the struggles of raising kids.

Reading their stories and listening to their advice is so helpful. It shows us that, not only do other people relate to our situation, it also shows us that all weight loss goals can be achieved!

Because everyone’s body is different, and everyones situation is different, weight loss tips and tricks that work for some people won’t work for everyone, which is why we at Beauty and Tips have scoured the Internet to bring you the best 100 weight loss blogs you need to know about.

So come join us, grab a coffee and have a good nosey through them all until you find a blogger that you just know is going to help you complete your weight loss goals.


Let’s take a look a tip weight loss blogs on the internet:

Losing Weight in the City

Losing weight in a big city is hard, right? There are literally temptations everywhere.

There’s a hot dog stand on every corner.

There’s fast food restaurants that suddenly seem to pop up from out of no where whenever you’re, like, super famished.

The pizza place is always offering deals and discounts.

A donut place just opened!

It never ends and to truly lose weight, we have to move out of the city, right?


Theodora didn’t do that. Instead, she stayed in the big bad concrete jungle and managed to lose over 50 pounds by swapping junk food for healthy food.

Feed Me, I’m Cranky

Blogger Annabel was like a lot of people in that she equated being thin with being happy.

Since she wasn’t thin and wasn’t happy, she thought all she had to do was lose weight and she’d be happy.


Only, as her blog Feed Me, I’m Cranky demonstrates, it didn’t quite work out that way. She was thin – and she was still unhappy.

As a result, her weight loss blog took on a new direction, with Annabel focusing on health overall.

The World According to Egg Face

The world isn’t an easy place to live in when you’re hugely overweight.

What if your goal was to lose 158 pounds? That’s a massive goal that, for many of us would seem impossible.

It probably seemed impossible to Shelly too, who was always known as the fat kid in school.

Aged 35, however, something had to give.

And it did.

She was overweight – clinically obese – and had a number of related health issues, including sleep apnea and high blood pressure. Her father died of heart failure and then 9/11 happened.

Shelly had reached her tipping point and decided to take matters into her own hands.

She went onto lose 158 pounds and documents her highs and lows in her weight loss blog.

The World According To Egg Face is searingly real and honest, and well worth a read.

Just Roni

Roni describes herself as “slightly weight obsessed.”

Who reading this isn’t?!

Roni has been blogging since 2005, and still regularly updates her blog whenever she can. She’s an absolute star in the weight loss community, who’s known for her successes and innovative methods.

Like many women looking to shed some pounds, Roni’s journey started when she decided that it was finally time to leave behind a lifetime of insecurity and baggy clothes.

Instead, she wanted to swap it for a brand new journey that was to make her happier than ever.

She decided to document and share her journey via her blog. It became so successful that Roni was able to turn it into a full-time job. She also runs BlogToLose.com, and you can find her personal weight loss blog.


Beth’s Journey

What we like about Beth and, of course, her journey is that she admits that she’s a foodie.

And as anyone reading this knows, being a foodie can make things very difficult when you’re trying to lose weight.

So is it possible to be a foodie and lose weight? It is – but you’ll just have to read Beth’s blog to find out how she did it.

No Thanks To Cake

Imagine living in a town where there is junk food temptation everywhere?

It’s hard, and as a Southern girl, it’s exactly what Kelly had to deal with.

She – like lots of people she knew – loved her comfort food. Cakes, fried chicken, and – of course – apple pie.

Kelly eventually moved out to Colorado, and once there she decided to take this weight loss thing to the next level.

She’s since gone from 256 pounds to just under 80 pounds. That’s amazing, and she share with us how she did it – with workouts, recipes and so on – in her blog.

Ben Does Life

Ben doesn’t update his blog as often as he did, but when he posts something new, it’s well worth reading.

Like anyone who is struggling to manage their weight, Ben was deeply unhappy.

His weight – for whatever reason – had spiralled out of control and he was suffering from depression.

Then, at Christmas 2008, something gave.

His grandmother asked him if he was really happy. After some serious soul searching, he knew that he wasn’t.

And the reason he wasn’t was his weight issues.

From that moment, he made it his mission to compete in not one but TWO Ironman’s.

His blog documents his journey.

As mentioned, it hasn’t been updated for a while but there are so many nuggets to find in the archives.

A Black Girl’s Guide To Weight Loss

Erika’s weight was going up all the time.

From 150 pounds to 200 pounds.

It was showing no signs of stopping.

Eventually, she tipped the scales at an alarming 330 pounds.

Knowing that she was on a path to self-destruction, she had what she describes as a “fitness moment.”

She began to make changes – hitting the gym and creating long term goals.

One of her goals was to become a personal trainer. Check out her journey and her creative and engaging posts.

Nerd Fitness

If you want to lose weight, guess what? You’re gonna have to get a little bit nerdy about it.

That’s right – nerds rock and they usually always come out on top.

Nerd Fitness was created by Steve Kamb, a self-confessed nerd who achieved his weight loss goals after six years.

Six years might seem like a long time (and it is), but Steve has refined his methods and brought them altogether in his weight loss blog.

The thing we love about this weight loss blog is that Steve is just an ordinary grounded guy who shares his passions and weight loss tips with the world. He loves to nerd out on video games and loves to stay in shape. Check him out!

Fit Bottomed Girls

Fit Bottomed Girls is a blog ran by three girls who are determined to keep off the pounds and look fab.

Jen, Erin and Kristen regularly update their blog with lots of useful, actionable info that girls and guys can use to help them achieve their own weight loss goals.

If working out and healthy eating is your thing, and if you like your blogs to come with a healthy dose of humour, Fit Bottom Girls is well worth checking out.

Run, Eat, Repeat

Run Eat Repeat is a weight loss blog ran by Monica, a fitness girl who documents every single step of her own personal weight loss journey.

This is a blog, but it feels a lot like a documentary – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Collected together are Monica’s stories from over SIX years of hard work and dedication as she seeks to achieve her weight goals.

It’s a marathon journey, and one well worth joining her for.

(and, yes, despite its name, you are allowed to sleep THANK GOD)

Fitness Blender

Looking for the ultimate husband and wife weight loss blog? Fitness Blender might just be the one for you.

Daniel and Kelli are an amazing team who have been working as professional health coaches for ten years. They use their blog to help others lose weight.

It’s a fab blog that’s packed with lots of actionable advice, including videos. And because they work as health coaches, you just know that the info is accurate.

According to Daniel and Kelli, if you listen to their advice and make a conscious effort to live a cleaner life that’s complemented by regular exercise, you will achieve your weight loss goals and your health will improve as a result.

Peanut Butter and Peppers

Okay, here’s the deal: Even if this blog wasn’t a weight loss blog, we would have been keenly reading it anyway. It has peanut butter in its title!

Any woman who names peanut butter as one of her two favourite foods is alright in our books.

And hey, her second favourite food – peppers – isn’t so bad either.

Jennifer runs this blog for dieters who want to find out how she managed to first of all lose 30 pounds a few years back, and how she manages to keep it off.

Jennifer loves to be in the kitchen, where she puts together all kinds of awesome recipes. She shares them with us in this weight loss blog.

Whole New Mom

Adrienne is the whole new mom who is at the heart of the Whole New Mom blog.

We like this blog because it isn’t just a weight loss blog – it’s also a blog about coping with being a brand new mom of two.

As such, if there is anyone among you who can relate to trying to lose weight while raising children, this blog could be for you.

Adrienne uses a lot of the blog to share recipes with us, recipes which are usually sugar free, dairy free and even gluten free. There should be something for everyone in her weight loss  blog – including those who are living on a budget.


Scooby’s Workshop

We were so gosh darn intrigued by the name of this one that we had to investigate further.

Scooby’s Workshop is a blog ran by Scooby Werkstatt (admit it, you were wishing it was actually Scooby Doo’s blog).

Scooby knows – just like we all do – that there are a lot of gimmicks, fads, myths and even downright lies that plague the weight loss world.

Eventually, Scooby got so sick of it all that he decided to start his own blog to help people lose weight.

The premise was simple: There would be no selling. Just straight up honesty and value of the kind that people appreciate.

That said, the blog is more focused on actual body building than weight loss per say. But the two go together, and if you want to develop a six pack while losing weight, this is definitely the weight loss blog to check out.

Prior Fat Girl

With a blog name like that, you pretty much know what’s coming.

Yup, Jen – the creator of Prior Fat Girl – used to be fat.

However, the name of the blog is a bit misleading, as Jen is no longer the main contributor. Instead, Prior Fat Girl is a weight loss blog that’s open to submissions from anyone who has shed serious poundage and who wants to share their stories with everyone else.

It’s a great blog that focuses on the wins and the setbacks. The stories are very human and very relatable.

If you want somewhere to share your own experiences with a community, this is the one to go for.

Running to the Kitchen

Hands up and admit it – who reading this has found themselves running to the kitchen on more than one occasion when they’re hungry?

Who has ran to the kitchen when they’re not hungry?!

The title of this blog is so darn eye catching that we HAD to include it.

It’s also a pretty fab blog in its own right/

Gina created Running to the Kitchen after she stopped playing soccer once college was over. Before this point, her high metabolism had played in her favour, as she could shed weight on the soccer field.

Once her soccer career was over, she piled the weight on.

After she’d amassed an extra 20 pounds, she knew something had to change. She dieted and exercised, but nothing seemed to work.

Or, at least, nothing that was making her happy was working.

So she took matters into her own hands and adopted her own healthy diet and workout regime. It worked, she lost weight and she documents it all in her weight loss blog.

Runs for Cookies

Make of the title of this blog what you will. We like to think that – given the blog’s content – Katie, the blog’s creator, has to work hard before she allows herself to have a cookie.

And you know what? She gets results.

Katie is a mom of two who once tipped the scales at an unhealthy 235 pounds. She knew that she wasn’t exactly setting a good example to her kids, and she knew that things had to change.

And so they did.

However, the moment of truth didn’t come just yet. It came when she was hanging out with her kids, who were learning how to ride bikes.

Like all moms, Katie was hanging out with her kids and trying to keep up with their insatiable, boundless energy.

She found herself trying to keep up with her son who was riding a bike – she couldn’t do it! Frustrated that she wasn’t even able to help her son ride his bike (his sister had to help him!), she set out to lose 133 pounds.

If Katie’s situation sounds relatable to you, this is the weight loss blog to read.

Weight off My Shoulders

What we love about so many of the blogs on this list is how creatively titled they are.

Weight off My Shoulders is a title that will resound with anyone who has been trying to lose weight. After, that’s what we want, isn’t it? To take the weight off our shoulders.

Dani created this blog to share the things she went through as she battled depression and eating disorders. She was trying to lose weight but her mental health problems were getting in the way. It was a tough time, and Dani doesn’t hold back as she shares her highs and lows.

For years, she lost weight but then gained it back. In 2009, she decided it was time to finally get serious. To this end, she lost 80 pounds and continues to lose weight while documenting her journey.

Purely Twins

Wanna read a weight loss blog written by twins? You need Purely Twins in your life, a blog co-ran by twins Michelle and Lori.

Together, these two absolute stars have been through a lot. Like all twins, they’ve shared a lot of their lives with each other, lives that have included triumphs and struggles.

A lot of their struggles have centred around dieting and looking amazing. After years of obsessing over trying to find the “perfect” diet so that they looked amazing for other people, the twins realised that they first had to love themselves.

Nowadays, Michelle and Lori use their blog to help other women to change their mindset and achieve their goals.

Lots of recipes they post are grain and gluten-free, and you can find their weight loss blog really interesting.

Body for Wife: Fitness in Your Face

We’ll admit that this is one of the more, shall we say, controversially-named blogs in this list. But it’s still an awesome blog if you want to get healthier, fitter and leaner.

It’s ran by James, who has serious credentials in this history. As well as penning his own blog, he also writes for Chicago Tribune, AskMen.com and the LA Times.

Like a lot of guys in this industry, James hates fad diet with a passion.

And as you can probably tell from the name of his blog, his style of writing is pretty in your face.

If you like that stuff, and if you want a guy to lead you towards your weight loss goals, this blog could be the one for you.

Don’t worry, he doesn’t bite.

Green Thickies

We must a bit, we were slightly perturbed when we saw this blog’s name – but we were also curious.

Our curiosity ran out victorious and we checked it out – and we’re SO glad that we did.

Green Thickies was founded by Katherine, and, as you can probably guess, it’s centred around green smoothies (no, we did NOT get that immediately because we were tired!).

The premise of the blog is simple: Many of us want to eat healthier meals, but we just don’t have the time. As a result, we pop into fast food joints to keep us filled up during our meagre lunch breaks.

Katherine wants us to resolve this problem by adding more green smoothies to our lives.

As she points out, just drinking any green smoothie is not enough – you need the right ones, with the right ingredients.

Katherine shares a wealth of green smoothie recipes, as well as case studies and nutritional plans in her weight loss blog.

Now Loss: How To Look Good Naked

Let’s face it, very few people are happy with how they look naked.

We might be just about okay with seeing ourselves naked in the mirror (although for many of us, even that’s difficult), but we’re totally not okay with other’s seeing us naked – especially if we’re unhappy about our weight.

If you hate how you look naked, this blog is for you. It’s ran by Adrian, who gives you four options when you arrive on his site. Do you want to:

1) Lose weight?

2) Get curves?

3) Build muscle?

4) Look perfect?

Whichever you choose, Adrian will go on to deliver a TONNE of info that will help you achieve your goals.


It Sux To Be Fat

Jennifer knows that it sucks to be fat, and you know it, too.

Jennifer knows that it sucks to be fat so much that she went and created this blog.

On Sux To Be Fat, you’ll get to read all about Jennifer’s personal story as she shed over 100 pounds.

We like this blog because of how motivating it is. If Jennifer – who weighed 280 pounds in October 2011 – can lose that much weight, so can anyone.

In this weight loss blog, you’ll be able to read all about Jennifer’s highs and lows.

Lose Weight By Eating

Wait a minute!

Lose weight by eating?

Did she seriously just say that?

Now, that sounds like a blog we’d wanna read!

Lose Weight By Eating is ran by Audrey, a great girl who once tipped the scales at 280 pound.

In a desperate bid to lose weight, she tried all the diet – the Atkins Diet, the Weight Watchers diet … you name it, she tried it!

Exhausted and no nearer her weight loss goals, she eventually decided to just avoid all processed foods, artificial sweeteners, sugars, preservatives, chemicals etc while upping her water intake.

Surprise, surprise, she lost weight.

Now 150 pounds lighter, Audrey shares what worked for her in her weight loss blog.

Man v Fat

Some of these blogs have some truly terrific names don’t they?

Man v Fat might just be our favourite (though we kinda wish it was called Woman v Fat but HEY HO).

Man v Fat is ran by Andrew, who uses it as a place for men who want to shed serious poundage to support each other.

It’s a great resource of tips, trick and hacks, as well as case studies and inspiring stories.

Men can get a lot out of it too, of course, and we definitely recommend that you check it out.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Diatta is a mom of two who has a successful career and who is happily married.

Family is, of course, important to her but her passion is fitness.

Diatta created her blog to act as a sort of fitness lifestyle blog aimed at women.

The blog will motivate you, and it will also help you out with tips on everything from the best fitness equipment to nutrition.

Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life

Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life is yet another of these eye-catching blogs that we simply had to check out.

And we’re very glad that we did.

Ran by Courtney, Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life is a weight loss blog for her daily fitness and eating routines. Courtney maintains a healthy, balanced lifestyle, which she says is achievable for anyone who reads her blog.

Her blog is different now from what it used to be.

In 2013, she suffered a major setback when she was diagnosed with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. It’s as nasty as it sounds, and it caused her to evaluate her life.

Her realisation was that, as much as she sure did love exercising and eating the right things, she was becoming obsessed. Her so-called balanced lifestyle was creating an imbalance, and it was no longer making her happy.

Although she still works out and eats well, her primary focus these days is on serving up meal plans and workout options that anyone can do at home.

You don’t need to go crazy to get healthier and lose weight, and you certainly shouldn’t become obsessed. Courtney has already learned all this, and if you like the sound of her and her weight loss blog.

Live Life Active

Erin runs Live Life Active, a weight loss blog that will speak to anyone who has battled with emotional eating.

Erin has fought the same thing over the years. Whenever she felt emotional – be it sad, angry, bitter, jealous or even cheerful – she would turn to food.

As you can imagine, this caused her weight to spiral until she realised that she was using food as a coping mechanism.

She was also using it to celebrate wins in her life.

Erin uses her blog to showcase her difficult relationship with food. She records her ups and downs, and since she’s an Online Personal Trainer an an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, she’s definitely worth listening to.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

The Failed Dieter

The title of this blog will speak to anyone who has failed at a diet. Which, come on ladies, is all of us at some point.

Jessica runs The Failed Dieter. She admits that she tried pretty much every diet she could find and sucked at them all. She literally couldn’t shed the poundage, no matter what she did.

Sound familiar?

Eventually, she realised that what she needed wasn’t a massive overhaul in her diet. She also didn’t need the help of gimmick, fad diets.

Instead, she just needed to make small changes in her eating habits.

Once she hit upon this revelation and too action, she was able to lose 50 pounds.

If you want to read all about how she did it, you can check her weight loss blog out.

Honestly Fitness

Honestly Fitness is ran by Alice, a blogger who eventually got fed up of hearing weight loss advice from the wrong people.

She was sick of being told to go on gimmick diets.

She was sick of being given misinformation that just didn’t work.

Because of this, Alice decided to take matters into her own hands. She founded her weight loss blog that was based on real facts, as opposed to hacks from self-professed guru’s who actually didn’t have a clue what they were talking about.

Alice doesn’t claim to be a professional. But what she does is research all the facts so that you don’t have to. Then, she presents them and draws her own conclusions.

Check her weight loss blog out and see if you agree with her.

Comeback Momma: It’s Never Too Late To Be Your Best You!

Yes, we like the sound of a comeback momma!

Jen – like so many women – struggled with baby poundage after giving birth.

She also struggled post-natal depression.

However, she managed to lose 50 pounds after her pregnancy and came back from depression – twice.

It was in 2011 when her life ground to a halt. At that point, she was making a decent living as a personal trainer and blogging. Then, she suffered an injury, which brought back her depression with a vengeance.

She piled the weight on and no longer had any interest in blogging. She became reclusive and even stopped training.

Fortunately, she was able to find a way out. After a year, she was feeling better and now uses he blog to help other women beat depression and achieve their weight loss goals.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Diane Carbonell: Lose Weight. Live Well.

At the end of the day, the name of Diane Carbonell’s blog sums it up for all of us: We want to lose weight, and we want to live well.

That’s the name of the game. But how achievable is it?

Diane’s personal weight loss journey is pretty darn inspirational.

A few years back, she was obese.

She hadn’t become obese overnight: She had been obese for over 10 years.

That’s an incredibly long time to live like that, and we can only imagine how helpless she must have felt at times.

One day, Diane decided that she was going to take action and lose weight. She did, and she went onto lose 150 pounds.

As you know, losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off is quite another. Diane shares advice on both ends.

She writes:

“No matter where you are today, you can be somewhere else tomorrow. You can lose any amount of weight that you need to, if you will only take the first step.”


Truth 2 Being Fit

We’ve gotta admit that we were a tiny bit sceptical about this one when we saw its title. Truth 2 Being Fit struck us as being a tad gimmicky – promising the world before under-delivering.

However, we were flat wrong. There’s some serious, actionable advice in here!

Jody is a lady who has been there and done it. She gained weight, lost it – and kept it the darn well off.

She first set out to lose weight 30 years ago. Now aged 58, she looks better than ever!

Want to find out how she does it? Check out her weight loss blog.

Brooklyn Fit Chick

It doesn’t matter whether you live in Brooklyn or not, Margo of Brooklyn Fit Chick is well worth listening to.

She has certifications in Group Fitness and Personal Training from TRX, ACE, AFAA and NASM and works as an ambassador for Sweaty Betties and Sweat Pink/Fit Approach. Her credentials are all there.

Margo uses her blog as a place to dump all kinds of useful, actionable information she’s found in fitness and health magazines that will help you to achieve the lean body you desire.

She also shares her favourite workout playlists, gear reviews, dieting advice and more.

Focus Fitness

Are you ready to focus on your fitness and weight loss goals? If you are, then you need Focus Fitness in your life.

Focus Fitness is ran by Brian. His blog focuses on weight exercises that any of us can do at home. This means you don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment and you don’t need to join a gym.

Brian knows his stuff. He has five years’ worth of experience and puts his money wear his mouth is: His workout plans work for him, so they might work for you, too.

He also uses his blog to share nutritional plans, and you can check this weight loss  blogout.

Confessions of a Fitness Instructor

As it turns out, fitness instructors have things they need to confess!

Suzi is the brains behind this one. Her motto is simple:

“Being healthy isn’t about being perfect.”

She has a passion for staying fit and healthy, but – like all of us – she struggles at times. However, our struggles probably pale in comparison to hers. She was diagnosed with fibromylagia and IBS, and this makes it difficult for her to maintain the healthy, balanced life that she desires.

But, hey, if she can manage it, what’s your excuse?

Skinny Emmie

Emmie loves a lot of things. She loves to write, she loves social media, and – thankfully for us lot – she also loves to blog.

Emmie used to tip the scales at what she – and many others – considered an unacceptable 455 pounds. She still hasn’t achieved her weight loss goals – indeed, she doesn’t have a set weight that she’s aiming for – but her blog is a record of her journey that she shares with the world.

Emmie is a true inspiration who’s giving this weight loss thing her best shot, which is all you can ask of any of us. So far, she’s lost over 120 pounds and showing no signs of slowing down.

If all this sounds good, and you like your blogs to come with a personality and some jokes.

The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl

Who’s gonna save us when no one else can? Diet Girl, of course!

Okay, we know that we’ve already said this a few times but heck – we’re gonna say it once again: We think this may be the best-named blog EVER.

Seriously, who doesn’t want a hero in their world called Diet Girl?! Better than Super Man if you ask us.

The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl is a blog created by Shauna who started the blog because she wanted to feel happier in her own skin. She’s originally from Australia but has since settled in Scotland, and she uses her blog to write about her food habit, her love of mindful eating, as well as her workout routines.

If you want even more of Diet Girl, you’re in luck because Shauna has even gone and written a whole book called The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl . It’s an honest portrayal tale of her life, which is at times funny and at times sad.

You Can Stay for Dinner

The problem many of us have is not staying for dinner – it’s staying for desert when the issues really begin.

Andie – who runs the blog You Can Stay for Dinner – knows exactly what it’s like to be “the fat person.”

She’s been there, done that and bought the t-shirt.

As such, her story and her blog will resonate with many of you who are reading this right now.

Andie uses her blog to share her powerful weight loss journey with us. Over 6 years ago, she weighed in at 258 pounds, which she knew was unhealthy.

From that day forward, she took it in her hands to change her life for the better.

Going steadily day to day, Andie has been able to lose more than 130 pounds.

The best thing? The recipes she posts on her blog look absolutely delicious.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Sweating until Happy

There are times when sweating really doesn’t feel too good. If it’s 32 degrees outside and you’ve spent all day walking around lost in a city, you’re not gonna be too happy that you’re sweating buckets.

Likewise if you ever have to work outside in intense heat – it’s just not nice.

However, it always feels good when we sweat during a workout, knowing full well that we’re achieving our weight loss goals.

Sweating until Happy is an appropriately named blog by Alan, a man with a no-holds barred style. He’s always at the gym and always blogging about his exploits and how you can do what he does and get results.

Some of you will find his blog too intense – this is a man who’s ran ran a 5K and benched over 255 pounds, but if you reckon you can keep up with him, you can check his weight loss blog out.

Keeping up With Katie

Katie was one of those ladies who loved her food, ate a lot of junk – but never gave her weight a second thought. She just didn’t consider herself to be overweight.

However, when she graduated college and weighed 195 pounds, she knew there was an issue. 195 pounds wasn’t a health weight for a girl of her age or size – or, indeed, for anyone.

From that point on, Katie put herself on a healthier diet and changed a few of her lifestyle habits.

To motivate herself and others, she started her blog, Keeping up with Katie (which we assume is a play on Keeping up with the Kardashian’s?!).

The central theme of her blog is, of course, weight loss, but there’s much more to it than just that. She shares a lot of what else is going on in her life, as well as favourite recipes.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

The Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans

Nope, we’re not gonna say it.

We know you want us to say it, but we’re not gonna say it.



The Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans is, of course, an excellent name for a blog. As you probably guessed, it’s premise is as simple as simple does: The girls behind it want you to fit into your skinny jeans again.

Isn’t that what we all want!?

In this blog, you’ll find a great and supportive community, plenty of guidance, wisdom and some funny anecdotes.

We are sure that you can find this weight loss blog interesting.

Lynn’s Weigh

Lynn’s Weigh is an invite-only blog, but if you can snag an invite you should totally take her up on it!

Lynn is a small petite woman who used to be obese.

She wasn’t “a little bit big” – she was obese.

It’s hard to believe when you see what she looks like today, but what Lynn proved is that anything is possible.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Prime Potential

Prime Potential is Elizabeth’s baby.

Who’s Elizabeth? She’s an ordinary woman just like you who knew that she needed to lose weight.

Of course, she’d already done what many of us had; she’d put herself on a number of weight loss programs and taken her chance on a few fad diets.

But nothing was working.

Not cool.

However, Elizabeth didn’t give up. Instead, what she learned was that, in order to eat right and unleash her “prime potential” she had to go back to the basics of eating properly and working out.

That is exactly what she did. In her blog, you’ll find a treasure trove of articles and podcasts dedicated to weight loss tips, workout routines, motivational quotes, recipes and more.

Interested? You can check her weight loss blog out.

Fatso: A Weight Loss Blog

Whatever you think of its name, there is no denying that Fatso: A Weight Loss Blog is an excellent blog for ladies who want to lose weight.

Creator of the blog, Jackie, has heard all the jibes over the years, of course.

Like many women who have struggled with their weight, Jackie has been called “fatso” and all kinds of other cruel names.

It isn’t nice, but while “sticks and stones will break our bones but names will never hurt us” is kinda true, taunts do propel us into action.

At the height of her struggles, Jackie was tipping the scales at 232 pounds, which she knew was way too much. At the time of writing, she weighs 180 pounds, and her goal is to get her weight down to 132 pounds.

She can do it, she will do it – and she wants to help you achieve your own weight loss goals.

Here’s a quote:

“I am snarky. I am cynical. I am a twin. I am overweight. I am beautiful. I am a nice girl. I am quirky. I am left handed. I am romantic. I am daring. I am a smart. I am interdependent. I am cultured. I am book smart. I am film smart. I am pop culture smart. I am not good at math. I am an English major. I am sexy. I am a clean freak. I am a perfectionist. I am just me.”

You can check her weight loss blog out and get inspired.

Who Ate My Blog?

Okay, we wish folk would stop being so gosh darn creative with their blog titles because we feel as though we should change our minds once again and give this blog the award for best-named weight loss blog EVER.

It’s just genius!

Who Ate My Blog? is maintained by Stephen, a man who has been trying to lose weight for a number of years. By 2015, he’d lost 205 pounds.

That’s a lot … but he was still tipping the scales at 426 pounds.

Yup, Stephen used to weigh an incredible 632 pounds, which he won’t mind us saying was WAY too much.

His weight loss goal? He wants to get down to 200 pounds, and we just know he can do it.

Go and support him and use his stories and tips to inspire you.

Racing to Zen

Racing to Zen was founded by Jess, and although she admits that she no longer blogs as much as she used to/would love to, there’s still a treasure trove of quality archive material to take a look at.

Jess launched her blog back in 2013 when she was first preparing for a marathon – her first ever.

To get into shape, she knew she needed to lose weight. Her blog is a document of the trials and tribulations she faced as she prepared for her marathon.

We love this quote from her:

“If I surrender, give up the fight to do it all alone, then I’ll probably remain on the outskirts of that tribe of origin permanently. Is that a tough thing to write? You bet. But here’s the gorgeous thing about life – you can make your own tribe. You can form your own crew, you can find other lovaeble, crazy-about-life people that will be there to support you and lift you up.”

Running off the Reece’s

LOL at this blog’s title.

Raise your hand if Reece’s got you into the state you’re in.

But hey, while Reece’s might be responsible for where we are now, no one can stay mad at them forever!

Cely, who founded and runs Running off the Reece’s has a wicked sense of humour, and it’s her humour that drew us to her blog in the first place.

While we love heartfelt stories, you simply can’t beat a blogger who knows how to make her audience laugh.

And what’s what we have here. Her motto is “Because no one should have to choose between their pants and chocolate.”

Cely is serious too, of course. She was only 18 when she was diagnosed with arthritis, and she’s always running races somewhere.

Her blog is inspirational, laugh out loud and a total winner. You can check this weight loss blog out.

Life of Rhi

Rhi is short for Rhiannon, a Welsh girl who loves YouTube.

In fact, Rhi is a YouTube vlogger who’s passions include photography, travel, fashion and, of course, health and fitness.

Because Rhi has so many interests, her blog won’t be for those of you who want to focus purely on weight loss. That isn’t what Rhi does. Instead, she films hip videos of herself living her life.

Weight loss is at the centre of the action though, and you can check her out.

My Plus Size Confessions

Darling, we all have many of those.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Misty, a girl who – in her own words – is more than just a “fat girl.”

After giving birth to her fourth daughter, numerous pulmonary embolisms nearly killed Misty.

This was because of her weight, and from that moment on she knew that things had to change.

Shrinking Guy Fitness

Many people lose weight.

It happens all the time.

But not everyone is able to articulate how they lost weight and communicate it in such a way that it’s meaningful to someone else.

It’s not a criticism – it’s just facts.

Tim, who authors Shrinking Guy Fitness, is different. He once weighed 295 pounds but managed to get his weight down to 220 pounds within 2 years.

It’s a remarkable feat, but what’s even more remarkable is that he’s been able to write a blog that makes a connection with people who are going through their own weight loss struggles.

Read his blog and learn from his lessons.

Here’s what he had to say about his blog:

This blog started as my attempt to pay it forward by giving a number of tips that helped me through the weight loss. … Over time I’ve made it my passion to understand all aspects of fitness – weight loss, exercise, eating and anything else pertaining to living a happy and healthy life. Those are the subjects I also include in my blog.

Skinny Shae

Ah, wouldn’t we all like to be able to boast that we’re skinny … like Shae is clearly able to do!?

We’re not for one moment suggesting that all you need to do is read Shae’s blog and the pounds will drop off instantly.

In fact, the title of Shae’s blog is just an example of her humour. As she admits, she isn’t actually skinny.

However, Shae still likes to blog about weight loss, healthy eating and fitness because these are some of the things she’s passionate about.

We’re not going to lie – Shae does a lot of grumbling. But who doesn’t?! She’s also quirky, self-deprecating and VERY funny.

If this all sounds like something you think you’d love, check her weight loss blog out:

Warning: Shae’s blog might be more addictive than Reece’s.

Andie Mitchell

Andie is a New York Times best-selling memoir (she wrote the book It Was Me All Along).

But while we love her book – which chronicles her weight loss journey – we have even more love for her blog.

It was ten whole years ago when Andie lost 135 pounds – and she hasn’t gained it back since. That’s hugely commendable. Read her weight loss blog to find out how she does it.

Here’s a quote:

I’m sharing every lesson to getting there—not as a drill sergeant and definitely not as a guru—as a friend who gets it and never wants anyone else to struggle alone. I’ve learned more in the last ten years than I ever thought possible, and I’m laying it bare here, one post a time—every lesson I’ve learned on losing weight,real advice on maintenance, thoughts on depression, how I’ve moved beyond binge eating, lifestyle bits that make me feel good inside and out, and all the healthy recipes I make regularly.

The Happy Gal

We like happy people, so we knew we’d love The Happy Gal.

It turns out that our intuition was right.

Jenny, who runs The Happy Gal blog, has always wanted to be a motivational speaker of some kind.

She had the confidence, she was great at talking to people and communicating ideas … but her problem was that she didn’t know what to talk about!

Then, she realised that she needed to talk about something that meant something to her – something that she herself had been through.

Jenny had been a compulsive eater for a number of years. She was obsessed with body image, while the subject of food addictions interested her.

Eventually, Jenny adjusted her mindset and set up a blog to help herself and others.

Here’s a quote from Jenny:

In my heart of hearts, what I really want you to know is that when you are in those dark places in life, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, and I’ve seen the light. This blog is the first step in sharing that light with you.

The Holy Mess

We were so intrigued by the title of this one that we just had to check it out – and it confounded our expectations.

The Holy Mess is a blog ran by Sarah, a woman who loves family, God and healthy living. Her aim with the blog was to show herself and others how to find lower stress and find happiness and good health.

As she puts it:

Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes life is awesome. For years my life was incredibly out of balance and I said ‘yes’ to too much and ‘no’ to myself way too often. Your life has its own type of mess. It might look different from mine, but we all have our hodge podge.

It was around 10 years ago when Sarah was far from happy. She was massively overweight.

Then, she began to record notes in her journal and realised that she enjoyed running.

Today, she continues to blog and documents her highs and lows as she seeks a healthy, positive and happy life.

Feel Great In 8

Regular readers absolutely love Tiffany’s blog.

In fact, they love it so much that they managed to convince her to stop blogging infrequently and to start blogging more consistently!

In 2009, when Tiffany first created Feel Great In 8, she saw it as very much a part-time vocation. She posted now and then.

In 2013, her readership wanted more from her, and so she gave the people what they wanted!

Tiffany now does her best to support other ladies who are heading out on their own personal weight loss journeys. She posts recipes, weight loss challenges and shares snippets of her life, including her passion for dark chocolate, movies and hitting the beach.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Lipstick, Lattes and Louboutins

Lipstick and lattes sound so amazing to us that we decided that we HAD to check this blog out. And we’re mighty glad that we did.

It’s ran by Jackie, a makeup artist who’s had weight issues since she was a teenager fresh out of high school.

As she writes in her blog, she’s tried almost every diet you can name – all to no avail.

Part of that might have come down to a lack of willpower and motivation. So, in the summer of 2015, Jackie decided to create a blog to help make her more accountable.

Lipstick, Lattes and Louboutins was born and sharing her journey with readers has helped Jackie stick to a diet that works.

Because she’s also a makeup artist, you get the added bonus of reading all about expert beauty tips if you check her weight loss blog out.

I’m Done Being the Fat Girl

I’m Done Being the Fat Girl is an invite-only blog. If you can get yourself an invite, you should definitely check it out.

It’s ran by Courtney, just your average girl who’s been overweight since the second grade.

Being overweight so young has taught her many lessons, many of which she shared on her blog.

Like a lot of us, Courtney’s weight loss journey has been peppered with wins and losses – huge strides forward and big falls backwards. Between 2010 and 2010, she managed to shed almost 80 pounds. Sadly, giving birth to her son not long afterwards meant that she gained much of it back.

Through her blog, Courtney – like so many other bloggers on this list – has made herself accountable to her reader. She keeps us updated with her life, her weight and her happiness and has many valuable lessons for us all to read.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Trading Cardio For Cosmos

Trading Cardio for Cosmos is a really interesting name for a blog, huh?

It’s ran by Alexis, a sweet girl who chose as her tagline: “One girl’s adventure in moderation.”

This sums up how Alexis approaches life in general. She wants to succeed, but she knows that she must keep her feet on the ground and do the basics right first.

In other words, in order to be able to live life to the fullest, she must first get her health in order.

Her writing style is probably best described as quirky but her subject matter is serious. She’s also really honest, upfront and realistic with her approach (one of her blog posts is titled “Yes, I am Fat, And Yes, I Do Know How I Got This Way.”

Love it!

Here’s a quote from Alexis:

For millions of Americans, food has become a reward system, a crutch, a comfort, and oftentimes people who ABSOLUTELY know better use food to make themselves feel better about their jobs, their relationships, their decisions.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Mama Ames Gets Healthy

Another invite-only blog, Mama Ames Gets Healthy was created by none other than Mama Ames.

Her weight loss journey began when she ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon.

It wasn’t easy. By that point, she had never been heavier.

She knew it was time for a change.

Motivated by her dad at the time, who is her biggest cheerleader, Mama Ames went onto lose 65 pounds in a relatively short period of time.

Sadly, her dad passed away and she struggled for a period, gaining back 40 pounds.

In 2014, she was determined to get back on track, and so she started her blog.

She also signed up for races and half marathons, sharing her stories and lessons with her readers.

If she can do it, so can anyone.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Loretta’s Journey

What we love about Loretta is her gratitude. She’s so appreciative of the fact that she’s alive and has another day to wake up to and make things happen.

We like to think that people often appreciate life much more when they’ve bounced back from the jaws of defeat.

And Loretta certainly knows a thing or two about that. She’s been blogging since 2009, but unlike a lot of bloggers, she doesn’t post reviews or recommendations. She doesn’t go down the route of affiliate linking. Instead, it’s 100% about herself and her journey – and you, the reader.

In 2009, Loretta weighed 460 pounds. At the time of writing, she weighs less than 200 pounds.

It’s been a remarkable transformation, with Loretta saying that it’s all about making “one good choice at a time.”

Here’s a quote:

A friend of mine once said: Figure out what your biggest excuse is and make a plan to get rid of it. If you don’t think you have any excuses, just ask yourself why you aren’t at goal yet…and catch your first whine…that’s it, the biggest excuse, the thing that is getting in your way.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

We Make Seven

We Make Seven is basically Bonnie’s life in a blog. She has seven children and has been blogging about her life for numerous years.

The reason she started the blog wasn’t to document what life is like with seven kids, despite what the name of the blog might suggest. Instead, she started her blog at the same time that she made the final decisions to cut out junk food for good.

Three months later, she was going well. She’d cut out the junk and changed her habits.

However, the daily struggle is real. She knows – like we all do – that temptation is never far away.

Read her blog to support her and find out how she copes each day with trying to keep the weight off while raising a large family.

You can check her weight loss blog out.

Raising the Shakes

Raising the Stakes = Raising the Shakes.

Geddit? Huh?!

We love it!

But no, it isn’t our favourite blog name so far (we think you know what that is).

Anyway, Raising the Shakes might not be our very favourite blog name, but it’s still one of our fav blogs. You can check it out.

The Weigh We Were

Oh darn – here is yet another awesomely named blog that we can’t get enough of.

What can we say? We love puns!

The Weigh We Were (shouldn’t that be, The Weight We Were?) is ran by an anonymous blogger who doesn’t really post herself.

Instead, it’s a place where any woman who is trying to lose weight can share her story and offer advice and tips.

We think it’s a cool idea. Anyone who is struggling to lose weight needs to feel as though they are part of a community. It’s important to know that there is someone out there to talk to, and who feels the same way you do.

Get ideas from people just like you, and share your own thoughts and story, too.

You can check the weight loss blog out.

First Time Mom … And Losing It

Yes, we love the name of this blog. How did you guess?!

First time mom and losing it … what first time mom hasn’t been there?

Being a first time mom is difficult. The spectre of post natal depression looms large and you’re not sure how you’re going to handle it.

For Michelle – founder and author of First Time Mom And Losing It – giving birth was both a moment to celebrate and a moment to reflect.

She was ecstatic that she had given birth to her first child, of course, but she couldn’t be too pleased with the weight she had put on in the meantime.

Losing her pregnancy weight wasn’t easy and there were plenty of tears. It was gruelling and challenging, but Michelle used her blog to keep her readers up to date. They saw the highs and the lows, and celebrated with Michelle as she lost 60 pounds in half a year.


If you’re struggling to lose weight – and especially if you’re finding it hard to lose baby weight, her blog is well worth checking out.

The Pursuit of a Quality Life

Ah, isn’t that what we’re all pursuing at the end of it all?

Kristen describes herself as a “forty-ish runner” who’s trying to lose weight day by day.

One day, it hit her that she needed to lose weight. But, like lots of us, she didn’t know how she was going to do it.

She’d tried in the past to no avail. Nothing had worked and nothing had motivated her enough.

Then, she decided to go on the attack by running and blogging.

The result was her blog and a few success stories: She soon lost 50 pounds and was up and running.

She also fell in love with running – something she had always hated – and got into hiking too.

If this sounds like your thing, you can check her weight loss blog out.

The World According to Eggface

Seriously now, who wouldn’t want to listen to the world according to Eggface?

Michelle – who happens to have a lovely face, as it turns out – is the woman behind The World According to Eggface, a weight loss blog that’s a bit different to most others.

It’s a bit different because Michelle herself is a bit different: She’s been living with high blood pressure, sleep apnea and GERD for a number of years.

Moreover, she has to find a way of coping with the usual aches and pains that we associate with being overweight.

How does she manage to cope? It’s a testament to her strength and spirit that she copes and shares her life and all its ups and downs via her blog.

She’s on 8 medications, and lost 158 pounds with the help of a gastric bypass. Since losing the weight, all of her aforementioned health issues disappeared. Amazing!

Her weight loss blog is aimed at ladies who themselves are using surgery to help them lose weight, and she offers lots of friendly and useful advice.

The Diary of a Winning Loser

Sean Anderson is the brains behind The Diary of a Winning Loser. His blog is both inspiring and shocking.


Sean looks pretty good right now. He’s quite the handsome, dashing type.

He looks pretty fit and in shape, too.

But guess what? He used to weigh more than 500 pounds.


At the moment, he’s tipping the scales at around 200 pounds, which means he lost a dramatic amount of weight.

The dude known how to lose weight, and he wants to help you lose weight, too.

Check out his weight loss blog and become a winning loser.

Grit By Brit

Grit By Brit was created by none other than – you guessed it – Brit.

Brit has experimented with her fair share of diets. Some of them even helped her lose weight.

However, she kept finding that she was gaining it all back. Not cool.

Brit now knows what it takes to lose weight. She knows what works and what doesn’t, and she shares it all in her blog.

The Skinny Doll

The girl behind The Skinny Doll knows she isn’t skinny.

You could say that she’s far from skinny.

Rather, she’s just an ordinary girl who’s doing her best day by day to lose weight. She wants to be healthier and feel better about herself and her place in the world, and she knows she’ll manage that by losing one pound at a time.

There’s nothing showy about her blog. She’s a down to earth goal who’s moving more, eating less and sharing what works for her with her readers.

If you like the sound of all that, you can read The Skinny Doll’s weight loss blog.

So, there we have it, ladies. A whole lot of blogs for you to check out. Hopefully you can find a blogger that you love, and we hope that reading about their personal journey – including their highs and lows – will help to inspire you to achieve your own weight loss goals.

And who knows? Perhaps in a few months time you’ll be writing your own weight blog! If so, be sure to let us know and we’ll check it out.

Stay happy and healthy!

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