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5 Fashion Rules (Yes, Rules!) To Help Us All!

This is the third post in a series I have written for a new website designed

for women over 40, Generation Fabulous

They arise every morning… for as many as 13 years in a
row…and like well-programmed robots, pull on the plaid skirt, the cotton
blouse, the saddle oxfords and knee socks. 
The only variations would be the approved blouses, sweaters, jackets,
and ties.  Then in high school they proceed
to complain endlessly about the uniform they have come to hate with a passion.  Such is my world as a private school teacher.
I can see where women go from this to loathing fashion rules that might toss a
lasso around their necks and drag them back to a uniform look.  For others, it perhaps was a dictatorial
mother controlling each garment or a creativity overdose which fostered their
distaste toward guidelines…whatever the reason, I meet women constantly in the
blogosphere who do not want to follow any
rule…until death they will rebel and be “their own woman.”

However, I have found value in some of the rules in my quest
to be a confident, stylish, fabulous woman. 
My last post demonstrated my way to achieve balance between the rules
and my own personal style.   I look at rules
as a well-researched battle plan…if we teach the rules to march to our own
formation, they just may be a valuable asset for achieving victory, meaning
confidence when we leave the house each day.

  OK, I agree now we
can mix our metallics in one look; wear white before, after and during Labor
Day; wear pink, red, and coral all in one outfit; and definitely not match our
shoes to our purses.  Furthermore, some
women after 50 can completely rock a short skirt and leggings…though many
fashion experts say NO!  Also, I
vehemently disagree with those who insist wearing black is depressing…when done
right it is chic and classic.

But, fashion rules turned me around when I went through a
personal makeover at age 50.  I was frumpy
and drab needing direction for I had given up and decided to be invisible.  Rules taught me how to dress a larger body
with slim style and be content…dare I say excited…about how I looked just as I
was.   The dreaded school uniform
actually serves a purpose I love as a teacher and former parent of school
children.  There are rules with the same
value to the over 50 woman.

Here are my five top rules to help you live every day

clothes which fit your body!!  Avoid the
oversized clothing…especially if you are a larger lady like me!!    Also,
stay out of junior departments…take seriously the fact they are called JUNIOR
departments…not for you!

A well fit pair of dark denim jeans will be one
of your greatest weapons.  Avoid the
light denim jeans.  Dark denim is
slimming and provides a clean, professional look when needed.

Own several well fitted jackets with great
seaming to fit your curves.  Make sure
you watch the styling and length of jackets. 
They can make you look significantly thinner!!

Dressing too young often makes us look
older.  As Clinton Kelly says, “If you
compete with a twenty year old, you will lose every time!”  Also, don’t dress older than you are! You
might discover a youthful trend can add a touch of shine to your look.   We need to seek that age appropriate balance.  Reading blogs helps immensely.

Avoid going overboard with accessories.  If you are wearing rings, bracelets, watches,
necklaces, earrings, glasses, headbands, shoes, belts and purses with the same
outfit.  You are overdone.  The rule LESS IS MORE is often a great one
for many different areas of your life. 
This was the hardest rule for me to follow…I finally came on board
kicking and screaming.  But I am glad I
gave in.

I get many emails which ask me why I shop at Lane
Bryant.  I like the youthful, trendy
clothing I find there; but, the real reason is that the clothes fit my voluptuous
curves!!  It pleases me to find many of
you surprised.  I have followed rules and
learned how to appear smaller than I am…there is power in some of these rules,
ladies!!  As the cliché says…Do not throw
the baby out with the bath water! (Whoever did that, anyway??)   Fashion guidelines can help you look smaller,
younger, confident, taller… fabulous!

  I know, to follow
rules means to put that rebellious spirit in the back seat and listen
to the advice of experts. I was there.  I
know how your feel.  I encourage you, to
be teachable and open…just give a few a try. Combine the fashion rules which
make sense to you with the Foundational Five messages (from my last post) you
have selected for your own personal style.  You might be surprised, as I was, that
following a few rules works in your favor!!

Make sure you click on the bright pink tunic in the sidebar and register today to win one from Foxcroft...three winners will be announced on Wednesday!!

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