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This First Grade Teacher Shared Some Funny And Unexpected Answers He Got From Kids To The Question “What’s One Thing You Need To Be An Adult?”

Children are so imaginative and they are never afraid to speak their minds. They always say the most unexpected things and can give you a different perspective on various things.

So it’s not that surprising that a teacher from the UK is always asking his first graders questions to see if maybe we got it all wrong. Recently, one of the teacher’s threads went viral. In that thread, he asked his students, ‘What’s the one thing you need to be an adult?’ and he shared their answers on the internet as well as adding some funny comments from himself.

More info: Twitter

Teacher on Twitter comes back again with another thread of his students’ answers, this time to the question ‘What’s the one thing you need to be an adult?’

Image credits: woodleywonderworks

The teacher’s name is George Pointon and this is not the first time that his tweets have caught the attention of other people. One time he asked his students to tell him a joke and over 200k people liked the thread. Bored Panda covered that thread here. Later, the thread with some wholesome answers to the question ‘What would you do as president of the world?’ also went viral and you can read that article here.

This teacher’s series is so popular and loved that people were asking if George has any plans to put the children’s answers into a book. And the answer is yes. He is actually looking for a publisher, so if anyone out there knows one, @GeorgePointon_ would be grateful for that information.

For now, the teacher came up with a new question: ‘What’s the one thing you need to be an adult?’ Over 30k people liked the thread, and rightfully so, as the children gave some awesome answers that you couldn’t say aren’t true.

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

The answers ranged from very simple things such as bigger socks, to deeper ones like never giving up

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

So, what things do the kids think make a person an adult? Well, some of them thought that simple things like a beautiful dress and bigger socks mean that you’re an adult now. Another student pointed out that an ID shows that you’re an adult. Though George said that Toby didn’t really know what an ID is, but maybe you have to have things that, when you were a kid, you didn’t know the purpose of?

Other children got really deep and Jack, for example, thinks that you don’t need anything. Very philosophical and eye-opening. Exactly, because if you consider yourself an adult, you are; if not, then there is no question there.

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

In George’s eyes, the winner was Emma, who thinks that not giving up when it’s hard makes you an adult. This is an excellent view to life and if Emma holds onto this, it will bring her places.

And then there’s Wendy, who says that you need to be happy. I could be wrong, but having joy in simple things is what we, adults, consider so pure in children. The teacher couldn’t agree with this and goes as far as to say that adulthood is actually hell.

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

The series is so loved that George is looking for a publisher to put the answers in a book

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

As mentioned, several threads on the teacher’s account have already gone viral, so Bored Panda asked George is there a secret formula or a common denominator, but apparently, it’s just random luck, “There is absolutely no secret formula or ‘rabbit in the hat’ about it. Children have this natural innocence and wonder that is both heartwarming and hilarious. Just give them a platform and I guarantee some total gems. But unfortunately, there is no consistent way to tell what people are after. My method is to do what makes me laugh and hope that people enjoy it also. For the most part, they do.”

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

If you were wondering if the children know that their answers get so much love on the internet, George reveals that his students don’t have any idea of his activities on the internet. “I don’t want them to get egos at such a young age. Fame might just change them. I joke, of course. Some of the parents have seen the threads and enjoy the analysis. Fortunately, they know me and that ultimately my best interest is with the children. It’s just nice to have fun and not take everything so seriously.”

George would also like to direct some word to his readers: “I just wanted to thank everyone for there amazing and continued support. It gives me great joy to see you interact with personalities of the children. They are wonderful and so are all of you.”

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

The questions became a weekly thing, but the students don’t actually know how much joy their answers bring to people on Twitter

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

We asked how George comes up with the questions as the series has continued for a while now and he said that he thinks of the questions himself, but after some time, he got “the brilliant idea to turn the experience more interactive” and he says, “now I let the people decided between two options. After all this a democracy. It also means less work for me. Which is always a bonus.”

George added that the children love this weekly segment of their school week routine. “The kids love our weekly question. We call it ‘Question of the week’ and it has a theme song and everything.”

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

Image credits: GeorgePointon_

It’s always interesting to hear how children imagine their lives when they grow up, how adulthood works, or what they think about adults in general as they will grow up themselves. Adults have already forgotten what it was like to not know the struggles they have to deal with, so the simple outlook of children is like a breath of fresh air.

Inspired by this thread, other people also asked their little members of the family what they think is the one thing that makes you an adult. Those children also gave some hilarious answers.

Other people also asked their children the same question and got some pretty hilarious answers

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Image credits: DonkinDonkin

Image credits: CraigTheSciGuy

Image credits: actor_JoKingman

Image credits: OliviaLennan

Image credits: MellyStevens

Image credits: DrJanineCoates

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The post This First Grade Teacher Shared Some Funny And Unexpected Answers He Got From Kids To The Question "What's One Thing You Need To Be An Adult?" first appeared on Bored Panda.

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