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40K Scenario - Assault on Sentaku IV


Sentaku IV, part of the minor Sentaku system, most noted for being the relay hub for the primary comms for the system fleet navigation. A semi arid world, not suited for agriculture, but not uninhabitable. Generally expanses of rocky deserts, mountainous regions, and large rivers along which the majority of the larger cities can be found. 

Tertia is the largest city on the planet, located at the fork of the primary river LLoy, where the white Lloy and green Lloy converge. Population around 5 million at the last Censosurv reading carried out by Scribes. 

Buildings range from the smaller single person dwelling to the larger administrative buildings hosting the cities governance, naval buildings, navcomm centres and councils, notably the primary archive and records store of the Sentaku system, compactly built into the triangular space afforded by the natural barriers of the rivers on two sides.

Without prior warning or buildup, a Chaos fleet now believed to be led by Lord Skaros dropped into realspace directly within the IV navigation zone and commenced planetfall. Current objectives unknown, but rapid advance towards Tertia through the desert side indicates an aggressive assault to come. 

Local defensive forces have been mobilised to strengthen the city, a distress beacon sent prior to the comms being jammed by the Enemie. We await further news of any reinforcements to come.

Game Type – Open Play. 

No Stratagems or any of that stuff. No turn limit, play till its over or time is up.

- Story and models come first! 
- Points are just a guide!
- Painted only, please!
- Build character, not combos!

Imperium Concepts:

- Think desperate units holding the line. Think falling back into the city street by street when areas become impossible to hold. Think building to building fighting.

Chaos Concepts:

Think forlorn hope. Think storming the barricades. Think raising the flag on the governors palace. Think burning the city and sweeping all before you. Think personal objectives

Forces (Power Level)

Chaos - 100 Primary force, 75 secondary force, 75 tertiary force.
Imperium - 115 + 115 defending forces. Possibly a few extras bits and pieces for flavour 

Terrain Layout

8X6 desert table. 1/3 is the defenders deployment, plus a city set into a sprawling 4X2 section of the table. Densely packed, but with streets and squares. Some entrance routes are big enough for a land raider to get into, but only on main drags. Rhinos could get into others. Some areas are accessible on foot only. Rest of table is desert, with palm trees, rocky outcrops and such. There is cover for the chaos side.

Defenders will be given sandbags, crates, barrels and such, they can place that where they want to locate their defence lines and bolster with cover. Rooftops all free for deployment as well.

Attackers have the rest of the table to deploy into, no closer than 20” to the city at any point. Terrain may not make it possible to get closer in some parts.

Deployment happens at the same time on both sides, both for time reasons and to encourage a bit of fog of war element and not being able to specifically deploy in certain places. The battle plan can be developed on the fly during deployment, if a weak spot appears and the overall commander on each side is quick enough to spot it.

Additional Rules:

Units holding intact buildings get a +2 cover bonus, rather than +1. Grenades thrown into buildings and flamers shot into buildings ignore this cover save.

No flyers

Victory conditions:

Chaos – take the city. They must have overall control of it.
Imperial – hold the line. There may be no relief.

Sub Missions - each player will draw a card and reference the table to be brought on the day. These will be narrative sub missions for each general to undertake if they can.

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