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Sam's best of 2012:

Anyway-Cee-lo Green

I'm just gonna admit it I fell off the bandwagon in regards to my fandom of this guy after his follow up to the Lady Killer and even that record in retrospect hasn't aged as well as the music it clearly tried to be but god fucking damn it I FUCKING LOVE THIS GOD DAMN SONG.

You ever watch a movie that you know isn't a quality piece of media but you love every fucking second of it because it just makes you feel good in it's lack of quality?

Well that's kind of how I feel about this song disco infused ball of cheese courtesy of a man who's kind of a douche bag, but like I said at the time this song's quality is similar to Discovery-era Daft punk in that it's quality is similar to child like innocence it's good because it makes you feel good you have a tune that has a lot of warm tones, and simple lyrics that are easy to sing along to and just goofy enough to look past the sheer absurdity of them (“for worse or for better, you make me better,”) and I from what I can remember of 2012 as a year I needed an escapist piece of music that wasn't dumb ass angry white boy music and Cee-Lo as a whole opened my eyes up to giving R&B a chance and while I still love me some aggressive rock and roll I don't just listen to that I kind of explore it all and this man is honestly partly why that's a thing for me.

Now if only Cee-Lo would put it ON FUCKING SPOTIFY!

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